Last week, Alison had the wire
removed from her thumb - after more than 6
weeks. Meaning she can shower without having
to seal her hand up in a plastic bag, and
she can take the splint off and start
getting her thumb moving again.
My injury yesterday looked worse, but
was not as serious. I went too fast around a
bend, on my bicycle, on a gravel road. All
my fault.
After all my previous injuries which
have always been to my l eft
side, this time I landed on my right.
Bruises and abrasions to knee, hip, elbow,
and shoulder. (Luckily my hip got a little
protection from my wallet, in my right-hand
After having a lie down beside the road for
five minutes (noting that the "fight or
flight reflex", to get me out of danger
quickly, was not there - I just felt shaky
and a bit nauseous) I got back on the
(undamaged) bicycle and continued on, gently
downhill, to the cafe where I was meeting up
for coffee. I still did, but the enjoyment
had gone.
So.... at least it is three weeks before we
go to Tasmania to walk the Overland Track
again. We walked this, for the fifth and
"last" time, in 2019; but then... somewhere
we heard that the daily numbers allowed on
the track, which used to be about 150, had
been lowered to 34 during Covid and never
put up again. We were able to get a slot,
and off we are going; with big backpacks,
carrying tent, stove, food etc. as we have
not done for a long
time. I should be mostly better by then - I