2021 |
2022 |
- January
- Tasmania |
- Autumn |
Isn't it amazing how sometimes life
gets busy?
we are at Wilson's Prom, one of Victoria's
best known and well loved national parks. It
deserves it's reputation but that also means
that for a lot of the year, the
camping areas are very crowded. At the
moment there are more wombats, 'roos and
birds than people.The last week of autumn
has given us a glorious few days of sunny
weather, warm enough for short sleeves for
at least half an hour early afternoon!
Simon has even been back in shorts during
the day, after having given them up for long
pants a month or more ago. It is cold the
rest of the time, but that is all the better
for a brisk walk or snuggling under
a doona. The only downside that I can see is
the short daylight hours of this time of
year. We are back inside the van, writing
this before 5 pm.
The motor home really comes into its own
when I consider camping at this time of
year. Good lighting, a table and comfortable
seats, a diesel heater - what more
could I ask for. As it is
set up ready to go, we just pack some food
and can set off. We haven't even needed to
book in anywhere.

We felt we needed to get away for a few days
to break a cycle of being both too busy
finishing long put off jobs at home and
caring in various capacities for family and
friends. We are both fit and well, and are
not having to cope with sick kids, new
babies, the afflictions of being 95 years
old or grieving.
Simon worked out we have been in Castlemaine
for almost 15 years now and we have finally
fixed two of the things we talked about
doing when we first moved there. We now have
fly-screens on the french doors in our
bedroom and this will mean much more airflow
and pleasant nights during summer. The
tumbledown steps going down to our "creek"
are now levelled, repaired and navigable.
Now we can also add stone work, brickwork,
mortaring to our CV's. Personally I am
glad am not a brickie (sore knees,
sore backs, leaning over, mixing concrete)
but I do feel proud when I stand at the
bottom of the steps and admire our
admittedly rustic but quite serviceable
There was a time frame for completing
these before the weather got too cold and
wet but also before our flat packs for the
new cupboards and guest bed wall bed
assembly arrive. I have my fingers crossed
the instructions are clear and that our
house doesn't present too many challenges
lacking true right angles anywhere. I hope
there are not too many pieces left over. I
hope there are no allen keys involved
but at any rate , the next few weeks hold an
interesting challenge. Once completed, our
visitors should be more comfortable!